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Nov 28, 2015

Advents Wreath

Happy Saturday!

Hope you all had a nice and relaxing Thanksgiving, if you celebrated! I spent a nice day with my family, turkey turned out great too :-) 
Did you get any shopping done? I placed a few online orders and only went to Joann's to pick up a few things I still needed for my Advent's wreath. Not a fan of big crowds but by the time I went it wasn't that bad anymore. 
I spent most of the day yesterday finishing my Advent's wreath, and then did a little bit of Christmas decorating around the house.

This was the second wreath I've ever made, if you'd like to see my first one, click here
I used a pre-made wreath which I purchased from Lowe's. It came with a large red bow, but I removed that. I'm sure the wreaths they sell are meant to be hung up, but I turned mine into an Advent's wreath. The embellishments and candles were all purchased from Joann's. I wish they had prettier candles to choose from, but the ones that did look nicer were too wide to fit onto my holders (I bought those in Germany years ago.) 

 Side view.
Here is a top view. Love these colors!
This is probably my last wreath for some time, but who knows, maybe I'll make one for Valentine's Day :-)
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!!
Thanks so much for visiting!!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwwwww! This is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donna Nuce said...

Traditional advent wreaths have one pink candle normally lit on the 3rd Sunday of Advent and 3 purple candles (the true liturgical color for lent). Yours is very pretty and I like the larger candles. Have a great day.

Ellibelle said...

Thanks for the info Donna. I didn't know about the color of the candles. I've only seen them done in red, blue and maybe gold or silver... could be the pink and purple is more often used in catholic homes/ churches. Not sure though...

kiwimeskreations said...

What a beautiful wreath - we have an advent wreath at church, and today the first (Hope) candle was lit.

brenda said...

Your wreath is very beautiful Ellie, it has really inspired me to have a go at something along these lines, most of mine have been restricted to card or small ones. I do hope you make a Valentine one as well.

B x

Anonymous said...

Wow Ellie, bin total begeistert!
Ganz liebe Adventsgrüße

Susanne said...

Very pretty!