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Jan 17, 2021

I Spy - Photo Challenge No. 2

Happy Sunday! I'm joining in with the I Spy Photography challenge hosted by Lysha of  A Camera and A Cookbook again this week and had fun finding things to photograph to fit the photography prompts. Anyone is invited to join in and Lysha does post the prompts for the following challenge is posted on her blog each Saturday with her post, so you can take pictures ahead of time.

This week's prompts are:

  • Parts
  • Hungry 
  • Details 
  • Home 
  • Sky 


Parts of a tool kit

I don't know why, but when I thought of parts, all I kept thinking of  was stuff in the garage. So out I went and took some pictures. I love taking close up photos of things but even though I have a DSLR camera, I'd need a better lense for better closeups, but for my own personal use it's good enough. Better lenses can be so expensive!!


Hungry for ice cream

It's always a bad idea to go grocery shopping with an empty stomach. By the time I was back in the freezer department I was starving and one of my favorite ice creams came home with me and I ate half of this before starting to cook dinner!



I'm sharing two photos for details, couldn't decide with one to share!

A very detailed puzzle

I came across this puzzle box in the basement the other day. LOVE these cute details of the puzzle. It's a 750 piece puzzle and yet to be put together. Need to get working on it because it's SO CUTE and delicious looking too. The puzzle is by Ceaco, but it's old and no longer available. You may find it on eBay - it's called Funny Business. 

Detail No. 2

Beautiful bridge details

We took a day trip to Milwaukee yesterday for one of my daughter's Ballet Summer Intensive Auditions (socially distant and masked), and while she was doing that, we took a walk in downtown Milwaukee. I loved the details of this bridge crossing over the river to the lakefront and decided to snap a photo for the "details" prompt. 


Home is where is where family is.

I also love that this photo includes a home in the form of a birds nest. 


Cloud formations in the sky

I took this photo from the passenger seat out of a driving car, therefore it's a bit blurry but I loved how the sun was trying to peek out from under the clouds with the tree silhouettes in the foreground. 

Photos were taken with my Canon DSLR camera.

Thanks so much for visiting!!

This post may include some affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you purchase something through the links. As always, this is at no cost to you. Thank you so much for supporting this blog!

I'm linking up here:


Natasha said...

Oh, I love all your photos. We have some Haagen-Dazs ice cream in our freezer because we celebrated Strawberry Ice Cream Day on Friday and now I want some :)

Amy Johnson said...

Amazing photography!

Sakuranko said...

Oh so nice details darling
thanks for share with us

Joanne said...

So funny that my hungry photo was about shopping while hungry too! Those impulse buys are harder to resist that way. I too kept thinking tools and engine parts for parts and even did a Google search for parts to see what else might show up since I didn't have any of those handy.

Carrie said...

That bridge has amazing details that are gorgeous. Love your cozy home.

Lovely said...

The sky picture is amazing!

Jennifer said...

Loving all of these pictures!

Curated By Jennifer

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Natasha! Love the idea of Strawberry Ice Cream Day!!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Amy!

Ellibelle said...

Thank you!

Ellibelle said...

Your parted lemon was a fabulous idea!! And yes, so hard to resist impulse buys when shopping hungry!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much, Carrie!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Jennifer!

Bri Runde said...

Great pictures for the prompts! I wish I had some of that ice cream now, and I love the bridge pic.!

Tamar SB said...

Now I want ice cream!

Lysha said...

Yes, I had similar thoughts when I was trying to think of something for parts. Both of your detail pics are beautiful. Thanks for joining in on the photo fun!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much, Bri!

Ellibelle said...

Me too :)

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much, Lysha!

Shelbee on the Edge said...

Beautiful photos, Ellie! I really love your interpretation of the prompts. Yes, please, to all the Haagen-Dazs! I really love the bridge photo! Thanks for linking with me.
