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Apr 18, 2021

*I Spy* Photography Challenge 15

Hello and welcome! 

I'm playing along again in Lysha's "I Spy Photography" challenge and I am sharing my pictures for each prompt below.

This week's prompts:

  • Turquoise
  • Pill(s)
  • Dots of Stripes
  • Starts with an "A"
  • Your Choice

I struggled with some of these and waited until yesterday to take some of the photos. Really shouldn't have been a struggle but I tend to overthink and actually needed ideas from my husband :-)


A picture I have hanging in the hallway. I have enough turquoise in the house that this shouldn't have to be a struggle, yet nothing seemed good enough and my husband suggested this picture. Plenty of turquoise in the sky here.

Pills :

I don't take any medication on a regular basis, but did have these in the medicine cabinet that my brother sent me over from Germany years ago - a natural based sinus pill that is not available in traditional US pharmacies. I've only taken 4 of them and they expired 4 years ago 👀, time to throw them out!!

Dots or Stripes:

This was another one I shouldn't have struggled with, but I did!! My husband's idea (again) to photograph one of our cats. Of course Thomas didn't want to cooperate so you can't see his stripes very well here.

Starts with an "A"

I thought about "above" when I took the photo for this prompt, but when I looked at the photo I also spied an "airplane" :-)

My Choice:

A beautiful Magnolia tree at a local park with a small bird nest hidden in between the branches. Wonder how long it will take until the Magnolia tree in my garden will be this tall!! Unfortunately last spring the squirrels chewed off most branches and it's now smaller than it was when we purchased it!!

All photos were taken with my Canon DSLR camera

Recent posts you may have missed:

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Joanne said...

Beautiful photos! I really had a hard time with turquoise too... I kept over thinking the color-- as in is this more aqua or turquoise? Is this too green and more teal- like?

Jennifer said...

I wonder what the natural sinus pill is. I take quercetin.

Curated By Jennifer

Anne said...

What a great idea, having prompts for photographs. I really don't take enough pictures, maybe prompts would help. The magnolia tree is amazing, and your cat is really cute.

Lysha said...

Love the magnolia tree and your cat is so pretty.

Kim Carberry said...

Fantastic photos.
The picture of the bird is beautiful and you have reminded me that I need to sort out our medicine cabinet.

» Joha said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing. x

Lovely said...

The Magnolia tree looks beautiful! Great pictures!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Joanne! There are just too many shades of blue-ish green LOL. But they all are so pretty!!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much, Anne! I enjoy these prompts even if I don't get to post each week!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Lysha!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks Kim.

Ellibelle said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Ellibelle said...

Thanks so much!!

Ellibelle said...

This one is called Sinupret, active ingredients all herbal (Sorrel herb, Elder flower, Primula flower, Verbena herb, Gentian root). I've not heard of Quercetin before.

Shelbee on the Edge said...

Great photos as usual, Ellie! That magnolia tree is absolutely beautiful!

Natasha said...

Oh, I love your "starts with A" photo. And I keep waiting for the buds on the magnolia tree next door to us to open but I noticed they're starting to brown so I don't know that they'll open this year, which is so disappointing. The one you took a photo of is gorgeous.